Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Research Flat Earth | The Globe Lie by O.D.D TV (Matt Procella)



Matt Procella Flat Earth presentation

The earth is officially classified as an oblate spheroid. Meaning that it's bulging at the equator and it's flattened out at the poles. 
Matt Procella Flat Earth presentation

Here's a short clip with Neil Degrasse Tyson.

So apparently it's a pear shaped oblate spheroid. Sounds fine to me, but there seems to be issues when NASA puts out images of the earth.
Matt Procella Flat Earth presentation

They're always perfect spheres and some of these are claimed to be single shots. Not only that, but the images that NASA gives us are never really consistent. Here's 3 seperate pictures of earth and north america is a different size on each one. Come to find out that NASA photoshops their images using CGI composites.
Matt Procella Flat Earth presentation

So here we are in 2018 and we can't trust that we've ever seen a true image of the earth from a distance. On one hand, we're told that we live on an oblate spheroid and on the other hand, NASA pumps out cartoon balls that are perfect spheres. Speaking of oblate spheroids and perfect spheres, both of them would have detectable curvature, right? Well, it's not showing up for anyone who tries to find it.

Let's jump right to the current world record for long distance landscape photography. This photo defies the curvature of the earth even with the heights of both mountains factored in. It should be hidden by nearly 3000 feet of curvature.
Matt Procella Flat Earth presentation

273 miles away. It's mind blowing. From point A to point B, the shortest car ride would be 8 hours.
Matt Procella Flat Earth presentation

Here is a picture of the Bolivian salt flats. This is over 4000 square miles and is called the worlds biggest mirror.
Matt Procella Flat Earth presentation

This place is so flat that it defies the curvature of the earth. There are many instances of people documenting the non existance of curvature. These are just a couple of my favorites.

Another way we know that curvature doesn't exist is because of amature balloons. This one reached a height of 121,000 feet and you'll notice that the horizon is at eye level.

This is inconsistent with a sphere as you would have to look down to see the horizon as you ascended. 
Matt Procella Flat Earth presentation

Let's watch another high altitude balloon. It's always flat when not using a fisheye lens.

Cameras with fisheye lenses force a curve onto the image.
Matt Procella Flat Earth presentation

This is why we saw curvature in the Felix Baumgartner Redbull jump. It's a fisheye lens.
Matt Procella Flat Earth presentation

Because a normal lens would have shown a flat horizontal horizon like we saw in the video at 121,000 feet.
Matt Procella Flat Earth presentation

A popular belief that is constantly used as a proof for the globe earth is boats disappearing behind the horizon, but this is actually just an optical illusion. Humans can only see so far, but with super zoom cameras like the Nikon P900 or even just a telescope or some binoculars, you can bring back ships and boats that have appeared to go over the supposed curve of the earth. 

Did you know that the word horizon stems from horizontal? The definition of horizontal is as follows: parallel to the plane of the horizon; at right angles to the vertical.
level, flat, plane, smooth, even;
Matt Procella Flat Earth presentation

Now let's have a look at the characteristics of water. Water always finds it's level and always ends up perfectly flat when undisturbed. It's one of the easiest things to understand. No experiment on earth has ever replicated curved water like that which is supposedly on the spinning ball earth.

You know who else knew that water doesn't curve? The ancients. As you can see here. We have the Egyptian, Norse, Hindu, Mayan, Inca, Navajo, Greek and Hebrew depictions of a flat earth. These are the cosmologies that they knew. It wasn't all that long ago that everyone knew, with certainty, that the earth was flat and motionless. They also knew that we are enclosed by the firmament and that we have a local sun and moon that circle above us. You see the sun and the moon inside the firmament in most of these depictions. So is there any credence to this idea?
Matt Procella Flat Earth presentation

The answer is yes. There are many times just like this when the sun shows us how close it actually is. Many people admire the beauty of a scene like this but they never stop and think what we are seeing.
Matt Procella Flat Earth presentation

And what we are seeing are sun rays that are telling our eyes that the sun is local. All you have to do is trace the rays back to the source. The sun is right here with us. Right above us.
Matt Procella Flat Earth presentation

This happens all the time. All you have to do is pay attention and think about it logically.
Matt Procella Flat Earth presentation

Matt Procella Flat Earth presentation

Does that look like it’s 93 million miles away? The answer is no. One of the things that I struggled with the most, when it comes to flat earth, is why does the sun rise and set. I couldn’t make any sense of it until I realized that the sun was much closer and much smaller than we are told.

The sun appears to rise and set due to perspective only. What we are seeing here is the actual path of the sun vs what we see because of human perspective. It seems as if it’s rising and setting but it’s just coming and going.

It’s the sun, as well as the moon, that do the moving across the sky. The earth is not moving whatsoever. Also you see here that the sun does, in fact, shrink as it gets further away, but only if the atmospheric conditions are right. When it’s really humid, the sun gets magnified. When it’s dry out, you pretty much see the sun for it’s true size as it comes and goes.

Now let’s talk about the moon. Here’s a normal moon in the night sky.
matt procella - flat earth research

We are told that the moon is 238,000 miles away. The funny thing is that the Tycho crater, which is said to have a 53 mile radius, is perfectly visible to us from earth at this distance.
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So I tried to figure out a way to test if we would be able to see the Tycho crater from a distance of 238,000 miles away. I went to google earth and made a 53 mile radius in Texas. As you can see here. And you can also do this yourself.
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Then I zoomed out as far as I could and unfortunately it only goes to 39,000 miles away. But it still makes the point in my opinion. You can barely see the 53 mile radius from 39,000 miles away. If I were able to go another 200,000 miles out, we surely would not be able to see the red circle anymore. 
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Of course, google earth is complete nonsense. Let’s watch a quick clip in reference to google earth.

“We’ll Know Our Disinformation Program Is Complete When Everything the American Public Believes Is False.” – William Casey Director of the CIA IN 1981. Okay. The CIA’s whole purpose is to dispense propaganda and disinformation.
matt procella - flat earth research

So anyway, we were talking about the moon and how being able to see Tycho crater doesn’t make sense. Now let’s look at an image of the moon during the day.
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Now just think about this. Why would we ever see the moon during the day? I mean, if it’s 238,000 miles deep into the darkness of outer space, how does it show up in our blue sky?
matt procella - flat earth research

Well, the answer again is because it’s local. Just like the sun.
matt procella - flat earth research

Just like the ancients depicted in their models. And just like many flat earthers propose today. To be fair, we are not sure of the exact layout and model, but we do know two things for sure. The earth is a level plane and it doesn't move at all. Everything after that, we are still trying to figure out.
matt procella - flat earth research

How do lunar eclipses work you ask? Well, certainly not like we are told. We have had multiple instances of eclipses taking place while the sun and moon are both above the horizon. If the sun and moon are both up, then that simply takes the earth out of the equation as the cause of lunar eclipses. Specifically these eclipses are called Selenelions and if you've ever seen one, you'll notice that the shadow is not even in the correct location on the moon. In an old book by FH Cook called The Terrestrial Plane it says this: According to the globular theory, a lunar eclipse occurs when the sun, earth, and moon are in a direct line; but it is on record that since about the fifteenth century over fifty eclipses have occurred while both sun and moon have been visible above the horizon.”
matt procella - flat earth research

Now let's have a look at the stars. When you look at timelapse videos of the stars. They all move uniformly. This might make sense on a spinning globe if the only thing we we're doing was spinning.

However. Mainstream science not only tells us that the earth is spinning at 1000 miles per hour, but we are also told that we orbit around the sun at 67,000 mph. In addition to that, our solar system, Earth and all, whirls around the center of the galaxy at 490,000 miles per hour, and finally the entire milky way galaxy is traveling through space at over one million miles per hour. 

Keep in mind that none of these motions have never been proven. Not even earths supposed rotation.
matt procella - flat earth research

With all of these motions considered, is this what we would see? The same constellations, night after night, for thousands of years? No.
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They also tell us that stars are distant suns. But they look like orbs of dancing energy when you zoom in on them with a high power zoom camera. And considering how far away they are, should we even be able to zoom into them in the first place?
matt procella - flat earth research

Now let's talk about planets. People always ask me "why is earth the only planet that's flat?"
and it's simple really. It's because earth is not a planet. Planets were known to the ancients as wandering stars. Let's have a look at the etymology of the word. This is from the online etymology dictionary: late Old English planete, from Old French planete (Modern French planète), from Late Latin planeta, from Greek planetes, from (asteres) planetai "wandering stars," from planasthai "to wander,". So called because they have apparent motion, unlike the "fixed" stars. Originally including also the moon and sun. Okay. So they move in a completely different way than the regular uniform stars that all move the exact same. Originally included the sun and the moon. Also Earth was originally NOT included because it's not a planet. It's a plane.
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You can find the planets of the universe encoded in our week days. Sun day is Sun. Monday is Moon. Tuesday is Mars. Wednesday is Mercury. Thursday is Jupiter. Friday is Venus. Saturday is Saturn. All seven of the ancient wandering stars are accounted for. And again, earth is not included.

You're probably wondering about Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Well as you may know, Pluto was demoted from planetary status is 2006, and there is much debate online as to whether Uranus and Neptune should even be considered. If not, then we are back at 6 planets, but that's including the earth. Take away earth because it's not a planet and add the sun and moon back in, we are back at the original 7 planets.
matt procella - flat earth research

Now let's have a look at what we are told the solar system looks like. Central sun, hence "heliocentric" and the planets all going around it. Now just like pictures of the earth, you can't find any real pictures of the so called solar system.
matt procella - flat earth research

Here's what you get when you do a search for "Real pictures of the Solar system". A bunch of cartoons. 
matt procella - flat earth research

Is the earth a planet? The answer is no. It's never been proven. Just programmed into us. We have to stop looking up at the lights in the sky for answers because we are not one of those lights.
matt procella - flat earth research

The earth is special and so are you. We are at the center of all things and the only life is here. Outer space is one big lie. Yeah, you can look up at night sky and see the stars and the wandering stars, but it's not what we are told it is. You can't travel there and there is no such thing as deep space.
matt procella - flat earth research

Okay. NASA admits repeatedly that we can't go into deep space because we no longer have the 60's technology that we used to get to the moon. 

See? Can't go passed low earth orbit = can't get passed the barrier, also know as the dome or the firmament. If you look up how many people have been to space, here's what you get. Of the 536, three people completed only a sub-orbital flight, 533 people reached Earth orbit, 24 traveled beyond low Earth orbit and 12 walked on the Moon. So it seems that the apollo mission was the only one to ever get to deep space. 
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You would think that by now, we'd have several bases on the moon and would have already been to mars a few times. But no. And let me just say that we were discussing how the moon is local, so naturally you're probably wondering why we can't go. Well the thing is that none of this stuff is what we are told it is. There are documented cases of being able to see stars through the moon. So, this begs the question "is the moon even a physical object?
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It was also documented in the royal society philosophical transactions from 1794. It says "An Account of an Appearance of Light, like a Star, Seen Lately in the Dark Part of the Moon." You can download and read the whole PDF from the Royal Society website.
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This why we have so many depictions of this throughout the world. But NASA and others maintain that the moon is a physical body that man can land on and visit.
matt procella - flat earth research

Let's get back to the earth and how the spherical earth paradigm is very new on the timeline of man. Again, here is a few of the cosmologies of the ancients. The people of today have been taught that many of these ancient cultures were primitive and stupid, but the fact is they were more in touch with reality back then. We are completely out of touch with reality and it's by design.
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So, we have all those and here we have a 1542 depiction with earth in the center, followed by the 7 planets of the universe, aka the wandering stars, and finally the firmament. This is also called the crystalline heavens. The place of the fixed stars.
matt procella - flat earth research

This is around the time the Jesuits were founded in 1540. They are largely responsible for the spread of heliocentrism. Notice the sun in their logo. It's because they are sun worshippers and want nothing more than for all of humanity to also worship the sun.
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Here is what the earth was depicted like thereafter. This was created by a Jesuit scholar in 1665.
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Yes the heliocentric globe model of the world has always had it's advocates, but these celebrated figures throughout history have almost all been easy to spot freemasons and I should note that freemasonry is a form of Judaism and the founder of the Jesuits, Ignatius of Loyola, was a crypto-Jew. A crypto-Jew is a Jew who converts to another religion and outwardly embraces the new religion, while secretly maintaining Jewish practices.
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While all these Freemasons and Jesuits were pushing the heliocentric model of the earth, many people were saying "wait a minute. What's this about? The earth is provably flat and motionless". You can find several well written books with amazing insight on why the heliocentric theory is false and why the static plane is the truth and these books kept coming well into the 1900's. We have "Zetetic Astronomy" from 1865, "Is the bible from heaven? Is the earth a globe?" From 1890 and that one was written by the guy who made the now famous Gleasons map which is a flat earth map. We have "Zetetic Cosmogony" from 1899. "Terra Firma: Earth not a Planet" from 1901 and so on. If you go to the website, you can find all of these and many more to download for free.
matt procella - flat earth research

Here's a flat earth map in Samuel Rowbothams book, Zetetic Astronomy.
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Here's Alexander Gleasons flat earth map, one of the most popular to this day.
matt procella - flat earth research

Here's one from a flat earth advocate named William Carpenter. You see and they all look very similar as far the layout of the land.
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We have the known countries and continents in the middle, surrounded by antarctica, which is not a continent, but a perimeter of ice. Now we don't know for sure if this map is accurate or if the icewalls are real, but I personally believe there is something to all of this. If you research Operation Highjump and Operation Deep Freeze, you'll see that a lot was going on in Antarctica during the 40's and 50's. Admiral Richard E Byrd was leading numerous expeditions there.

Conveniently enough, in 1959 the Antarctic treaty was established just one year after NASA was created and the treaty puts Antarctica off limits to normal people. You can only go if you and your reasons are approved by the proper authorities. Another way you may be able to go is on a guided tour. Why is it that the countries of the world are constantly at war with each other, but they will adhere to the Antarctic treaty without any issues? Well, that's because all the world is a stage.
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The said poles of the earth, whether south or north are surrounded by strangeness. While the Antarctic is out of bounds for the public, the north pole is said to not have any land. Just a floating icesheet that expands and contracts from season to season. 
matt procella - flat earth research

What's interesting is that the north pole was often depicted with land in maps prior to the mid 1600's. I've found several maps with land at the north pole including the mecator north pole projection. Again, all of these maps are from before the mid 1600's when all of the sudden maps that no longer contained the arctic land were being pumped out. I personally believe that this land is still at the north pole.
matt procella - flat earth research

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matt procella - flat earth research

matt procella - flat earth research

matt procella - flat earth research

matt procella - flat earth research

matt procella - flat earth research

Why would they lie about all this? Well it's simple really. The big bang, Evolution, Spinning ball earth chaotically darting through infinite space where eventually our sun will die out creates the ultimate mind control. This set of beliefs leads to a mentality that nothing matters and everything including you are nothing more than an accident. This is far from the truth. You are very powerful and the ruling class is scared of your potential. This is why people are required to take vaccines and suckered into taking flu shots. This is why they spray chemicals above our heads all day everyday. Chemtrails have several purposes and some include slow kill of not only the populations, but the soil too so we can't grow food in the future. All the food will have to come from corporations with employees that have to wear hazmat suits while applying the chemicals that you're going to eat. Nestle wants to own water. The CEO of Nestle, Brabeck-Letmathe called the idea that water is a human right "extreme." And global warming is a fallacy, it's a trick put into place to make you think that the polar icecaps are melting and it's your fault. We are completely enslaved, programmed and brainwashed by the educational system and the mainstream media. Constantly kept in fear and in debt so you can never even stop to think about all this. It's absoltely appalling, all the things they are doing to us. Research Legal name fraud and Crown copyright for proof that birth certificates are merely receipts and that we unknowlingy give ourselves over to the rulers. Everything that's used against us is to keep us dumbed down and preoccupied so we can never figure this out and make moves. It's time to wake up. Another reason for lying about the shape of the earth and making it into a ball is because when you turn it into a ball, you can cut off any land you want and keep it hidden. 
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Everything in this world seems to be nothing but lies and if you're alive right now, you are living in a very exciting time where the truth is being unveiled. Did you know that the word "apocalypse" actually means to uncover or reveal? Since that's the case, we truly are living in apocalytic times. 
matt procella - flat earth research


matt procella in his music studio
© Matt Procella 

1 comment:

Research Flat Earth | The Globe Lie by O.D.D TV (Matt Procella)

THE CASE FOR FLAT EARTH BY O.D.D TV The earth is officially classified as an oblate spheroid. Meaning that it's bulging at t...